If you’ve recently discovered that your website provider has gone bust, you may be feeling a sense of panic. Your website is crucial to your business, and losing access to it can feel like losing a lifeline. Fortunately, this is where Local Exposure can step in to help. With our wealth of experience and dedication to client service, we can guide you through the process of reclaiming your online presence and getting back to business as usual.
The Shock of a Disappearing Website
The first time many businesses realise their web designer has gone bust is when their website suddenly disappears. It’s an alarming experience, particularly if you were never given a clear understanding of where your site was hosted1. However, it’s important to remember that all is not lost. At Local Exposure, we have the tools and expertise to locate your site’s hosting and help you regain access.
In some cases, we can work with the hosting company to set up a new account for your business and bring your website back online. In other instances, if your site is a fairly straightforward design, we can potentially find a copy on the Web Archive and host it on our servers. The key to both of these solutions is gaining access to your web address, or domain name1.

Regaining Control of Your Domain Name when your website provider has gone bust
Many businesses find themselves without access to their own domain names, often only discovering this when they’re about to launch a new site or switch hosting providers. If you find yourself in this situation, there are steps you can take to reclaim your domain.
You can verify who registered your domain and whether it’s in your name by conducting a “who is” search on Google. If your domain has been registered in your web designer’s name instead of yours, you can contact Nominet, the governing body for all web addresses. With some identification to prove your company name, you can regain control of your domain quickly when your website provider has gone bust.
Recovering your original domain is crucial, as it may be bookmarked by your customers and have accumulated backlinks from other sites or directories. All these factors build up authority with Google and help your website rank higher in searches, making it easier for your customers to find you1.
Local Exposure to the Rescue
At Local Exposure, we understand the stress and frustration that comes when your website provider suddenly disappears. Our team is here to offer the help and advice you need during this challenging time. We’ve won many clients who’ve found themselves in this situation and are committed to providing the same level of service to you.
Not only can we help you reclaim your online presence, but we can also offer you a range of website services that will ensure you’re never left in the lurch again. We believe in clear communication, transparent pricing, and always putting our clients’ needs first.
When your website provider has gone bust, Local Exposure is ready to be your lifeline. We’re here to help you navigate this unexpected challenge and get your online business back on track.